Thokoza Institute of Zulu Constellation
At Origin the Spring Never Dries
Start the journey back to Consciousness
This journey will open the doors for your reconnection to the life flow of the ecosystem network opening you up to its vast dimensions of creation and potency.
The recovery of the Zulu people knowledge is very important for overcoming the traumas of our historical circumstance in Diaspora.
Deepen confidence in the laws that govern organisms and in their wisdom for resolving conflicts.
The action established on the Zulu Constellation Principles allows the integration of now with what was and what will come; of the material with the immaterial.
The Training is based on the Zulu People Culture
The ancient principles of the Zulu people are transmitted through the Sangomas (doctors/priests/teachers). They are responsible for guarding the political, spiritual and historical memory of the community.
The Training Methodology is totally guided by the principles of interdependence, totality, mediation, living ancestry, political self-knowledge, nature, equivalence of relations, organicity of networks and authority of the elders.
With the Zulu Constellation you will be able to perform the treatment of various psychic disorders and destructive ancestral patterns that impact your life and profession. This knowledge is important to put us back in our proper place in relation to the life we have been given. It will help us reconnect to our original birthplace.

You will become a constellator or full professional, immersing yourself in the essence and traditions of this African people!

- The complete training will enable you to act as a therapist in Zulu Constellation and as a Systemic Professional. By completing all modules of the Training, you will apply the Zulu systemic principles in any field that you work;
- You will bodily understand what it means to integrate with nature and act in accordance with earthly harmony;
- The Formation will allow you to immerse yourself and get in touch with the myriad of people and beings responsible for bringing us this far. Not just those people from our direct biological lineage, but others who were also part of our ecosystem network;
- With the training, you will gain the professional skill of deep understanding of family, social and political networks, learning to deal with conflicts in an organic way.

David W.S. Almeida
David is a constellator and created the Zulu Constellation method. He has seen countless patients since 2018. He is also a researcher at the University of Brasília (UnB) where he investigates in his PHD the non-ordinary states of consciousness and their relationship with pampsychism.
He moved to Durban, South Africa a few months ago to get to know the tradition of sangomas up close and deepen the Zulu Constellation method by learning from the creators of the knowledge that he respectfully tries to transmit.
Black person, this training is for you who:

Want to connect with your African ancestry

Want to know the origin of the Constellation Principles

Wants to know the Zulu spirituality that comes from the Sangomas
Why is this training only for black people?
The Zulu Constellation intends to give Sangomas the due status as a source of knowledge used and to provide black people in the diaspora and in Africa with the chance to learn about the therapy, since for more than 50 years the traditional constellations have maintained this knowledge far from black people.
Learn the dynamic, systemic and African method of self-knowledge and conflict management, which is fundamental for our times
The Zulu Constellation is a therapeutic proposal whose the director, founder and guide structure is the Zulu people culture of South Africa.
Deeply researching the origin of the Three Orders of Love of the traditional constellations David Almeida realized that they are a faithful expression of Zulus' relational models and social rules. Social patterns that have long been ingrained in these people's daily practices and without which there would be no constellation, as their soul is Zulu.
The Zulu Constellation can be seen as a type of constellation that fully assumes its origins and openly and fully expresses the principles arising from Zulu spirituality.
Thus, it does not present the distortions, prejudices and westernizations that countless people have recognized in traditional proposals. The Zulu Constellation goes further by fully assuming the cosmovision of these people in practice, escaping the ideological use of certain aspects, and incorporating explicit Zulu positions in relation to the influence of the system's dead over the living, to the magic that connects everyone in a larger organism that individual consciences, and the interdependence between the material and immaterial world.
The applications of the Zulu Constellation reach mental health, family and organizational conflicts, broadening the systemic view in health, law, education, etc.
With this methodology you will learn everything you need to become a constellator or a systemic professional.
When and how will the meetings be:
Online dating (on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm, Brasília time):
Module 1:
The Zulus and the Creation of the Zulu Constellation Method;
December 4th and 5th.
Module 2:
Ukuhlonipha (Precedence in Relations) and Earthly Spirituality;
January 8th and 9th.
Module 3:
Organicity: the Family and the Community in the Ecosystem Vision;
February 5th and 6th.
Module 4:
Impilo: the Integral Conception of Health as a Free Flow of Becoming;
March 5th and 6th.
Module 5:
Conflict and Acceptance: Two Sides of Life in Balance;
April 2nd and 3rd.
Module 6:
The Figure of Sangomas and Inyangas; Ukuhlola and the Reading of the Ecosystemic Field;
May 7th and 8th.
Module 7:
The Planetary System and Historical Justice and Reparation;
June 4th and 5th.
Module 8:
Aggressors and Victims: The Dynamic that Connects Both in a Single Destination;
July 2nd and 3rd.
Module 9:
Love Relationship and Sexuality;
August 6th and 7th.
Module 10:
The Proper Place of Therapeutic Help;
September 3rd and 4th.
Module 11:
Organizational Constellation and Success in Life and Profession;
October 1st and 2nd.
Module 12:
Consultation Techniques.
November 5th and 6th.
Payment options
The Zulu Constellation course is made up of 12 modules of 12 hours each.
Classes will start on December 4th and 5th. They will be saved for later consultation. There will be 6 hours of classes each day, one weekend per month, totaling 144 hours of content and practice.
Open course, no prerequisites! It is not necessary to be a therapist to take it . However, it is exclusive to black people. For other interested people there is the Course of Mentoring in System Thinking, quite similar to this one.
You can choose to pay the Training per module: R$400 per Module (total R$4.800,00). A recurring invoice is sent on the chosen payment date. This model accepts pix, boleto, credit or debit.
Students who pay for all modules together receive a 15% discount on the total amount (reduces to R$ 4.080,00). The above payment methods are also accepted here.
Amount paid for each module, separately.
BRL 400.00
Advance payment for the 12 modules and receive 15% off!
BRL 4.080,00
Brasiliense researcher delves into the culture of the South African Zulu ethnic group

"Durban is a port city in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, a region with a strong presence of the Zulu people, one of the main South African ethnic groups. Despite the notorious battle-hardened profile, the ethnic group was also the creator of the Ubuntu philosophy, which it exalts the idea of human collectivity. A broad concept, but sometimes briefly defined as follows: I am because we are. For the researcher, this lifestyle is the greatest lesson that Brazilians should learn from the Zulus.
"I believe that, perhaps, we do not currently know other people who have such an elaborate conception, so rich in the sense of the health of human relationships and human relationships with another part of nature that is not us, that are other beings ” explained.
Another objective of the trip is to be able to have contact with a sangoma, the “main source” of research by the brasiliense. To better explain what sangomas are, he makes a comparison with well-known doctors:
“There is no better word to describe it. She is a doctor who does not use drugs from the pharmacy. It uses herbs, plants and teas and cures through these traditional methods, but mainly through communication with the person's ancestors, who are already deceased and who still have a strong connection with the family”, he defined.
But even though he is in Durban, and not in the countryside, the researcher said that everyday conversations with residents of different ethnicities are enriching."
Outro objetivo na viagem é conseguir ter contato com um sangoma, a “fonte principal” da pesquisa do brasiliense. Para melhor explicar o que são os sangomas, ele faz uma comparação com os conhecidos médicos.
“Não tem outra palavra melhor para descrever. É um médico que não usa remédios da farmácia. Usa ervas, usa plantas e chás e faz a cura através desses métodos tradicionais, mas principalmente através da comunicação com os ancestrais da pessoa, ja falecidos e que têm uma ligação ainda forte com a família”, definiu.
Mas mesmo estando em Durban, e não no interior, o pesquisador disse que são enriquecedoras as conversas do dia a dia com moradores, de diferentes etnias".
Thokoza Institute
It is a building space for total well-being. The Zulu Constellation therapeutic technique is inspired by Zulu people culture, especially their spirituality whose relationship with the world of those who sleep is a keynote that determines all social dynamics, and especially healing rituals.
SA: +27695343166
BR: +55 61 986642003
180 Juniper Road, Essenwood, Berea, 4001
Durban - Kwazulu-Natal - South Africa
©2021 by Thokoza Zulu Constellation Institute
CNPJ: 40.112.999/0001-85